Hepatitis C Life Insurance

Do you suffer from Hepatitis C or any blood, liver related condition and receive ongoing medical treatment for the condition? Not sure how to find cost effective Hepatitis C Life Insurance protection? At Life Insurance Cover we can help you find the protection you are looking for. Life Insurance Cover compares all of the different Insurers to quickly and easily find cover that protects you and your loved ones.

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What Is Hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a virus that can infect the liver. If left untreated, it can sometimes cause serious and potentially life-threatening damage to the liver over many years. But with modern advances in treatments, it's usually possible to cure the infection, and most people with it will have a normal life expectancy.

It's estimated around 215,000 people in the UK have hepatitis C. You can become infected with it if you come into contact with the blood of an infected person.

Symptoms Of Hepatitis C

Many people with hepatitis C don't have any symptoms and are unaware they have the infection. They may develop symptoms later on as their liver becomes increasingly damaged.

One in every three or four people will have any symptoms during the first 6 months of a Hepatitis C infection. This stage is referred to as acute Hepatitis C. If symptoms do develop, they usually occur a few weeks after infection. Symptoms may include:

  • High temperature of 38C (100.4F) or above

  • Tiredness

  • Loss of appetite

  • Tummy (abdominal) pains

  • Feeling and being sick

Approximately one in four people infected with Hepatitis C will have recovered because their immune system will kill the virus within a few months.

However, if the virus persists inside the body for many years. This is known as chronic Hepatitis. The symptoms of long-term (chronic) Hepatitis C can vary widely. In some people, symptoms may be barely noticeable. In others, they can have a significant impact on their quality of life.

Some of the most common problems experienced by people with chronic Hepatitis C include:

  • Feeling tired all the time

  • Joint and muscle aches and pain

  • Feeling sick

  • Problems with short-term memory

  • Mood swings

  • Depression or anxiety

  • Indigestion or bloating

  • Abdominal pain

If left untreated, the infection can eventually cause the liver to become scarred (cirrhosis). Signs of cirrhosis can include jaundice, vomiting blood and a build-up of fluid in the legs or abdomen.

Causes Of Hepatitis C

You can become infected with Hepatitis C if you come into contact with the blood of an infected person. Other bodily fluids can also contain the virus, but blood contains the highest level of it. Just a small trace of blood can cause an infection. The main ways you can become infected with the hepatitis C virus are:

Injecting drugs: People who inject drugs, including illegal recreational drugs and performance-enhancing drugs such as anabolic steroids, are at the highest risk of becoming infected with hepatitis C.

Unprotected sex: Hepatitis C may be transmitted during sex without using a condom (unprotected sex), although this risk is considered very low. If your partner has hepatitis C, you should be tested for the condition.

Blood transfusions and treatment abroad: If you have a blood transfusion or medical or dental treatment overseas where medical equipment is not sterilised properly, you may become infected with Hepatitis C. The virus can survive in traces of blood left on equipment.

Tattooing and body piercing: There is a risk that hepatitis C may be passed on by using tattooing or body piercing equipment that has not been properly sterilised.

Mother to child: There is a small chance that a mother who is infected with the Hepatitis C virus will pass the infection on to her baby. This happens in around 5% of cases.

Treatment For Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C can often be treated successfully by taking medicines for several weeks. If the infection is diagnosed in the early stages, known as acute Hepatitis, treatment may not need to begin straight away. Instead, you may have another blood test after a few months to see if your body fights off the virus. If the infection continues for several months, known as chronic Hepatitis, treatment will usually be recommended.

Successful treatment does not give you any protection against another hepatitis C infection. You can still catch it again. If treatment does not work, it may be repeated, extended, or a different combination of medicines may be tried.

Complications Caused By Hepatitis C

If left untreated, hepatitis C can sometimes cause scarring of the liver (cirrhosis). This can develop up to 20 years or more after you first become infected. A number of things can increase your risk of getting cirrhosis, including:

  • Drinking alcohol

  • Type 2 diabetes

  • Getting hepatitis C at an older age

  • Having HIV

  • Another type of hepatitis, such as hepatitis B

Overall, up to 1 in every 3 people infected with hepatitis C will develop cirrhosis within 20 to 30 years. Some of these will then go on to develop liver failure or liver cancer.

Many people who have suffer with Hepatitis C or other medical conditions have been accepted for Life Insurance. Insurers will however accept applications based on how your condition affects you and if there are other conditions. By writing to your GP to confirm your treatment and whether there are any medical complications. Also the impact the condition has on their lifestyle and ability to work.

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Finding Hepatitis C Life Insurance

As an FCA regulated broker, we search and compare all Life Insurance policies available in the UK including specialist protection providers, Life Insurance Cover can find the best policy types and protection for you. It can be difficult to find the right type of protection including Hepatitis C Life Insurance cover for your needs, but we can help you.

Because Hepatitis C can be life changing for some people which can link to other health conditions. Some Insurers may be wary about accepting all potential applications. All Insurers underwrite applications by writing to your GP to confirm treatment and medication. By completing the medical forms from customers looking for Hepatitis C Life Insurance. This ensures they manage and assess their level of risk. If you have had complications or secondary medical problems. It can be challenging to know where to find an Insurer that can meet your needs depending on your medical history.

Costs for Insurance Premiums

Because Hepatitis C can be a debilitating long term condition for those worse affected by the condition. Some Insurers may charge higher premiums than a person with no health conditions at all. This will however depend on the severity of your condition. Whether you are able to keep your symptoms under control with medications and/or diet or lifestyle. If you have had hospital admissions as a result of Hepatitis C, your premiums may be higher and an Insurer may request some further details from your doctor to determine your premiums.

Prices from Insurers will vary depending on who you speak to, which is why Life Insurance Cover is one the best places to find Hepatitis C Life Insurance.

At Life Insurance Cover our specialist team of advisors can help you find the best Life Insurer that suits your needs. Helping you to compare prices and find the best deal that is within your budget.

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Who Offers Hepatitis C Life Insurance?

Life Insurance Cover searches and compares polices from all of the UK’s leading Insurers for conditions like Hepatitis C. By using an FCA regulated broker, like Life Insurance Cover to compare all of the possible policies available. Will enable you to search all of the UK Life Insurance providers in one simple search to find the best protection for you and your family. During the Life Insurance quote process, we will get quotes from more than provider and explain the benefits of each policy available to you. Helping you to protect today and provide for the future with a financial safety net. An FCA-regulated broker, like Life Insurance Cover can help you to find:

  • The best price for Hepatitis C Life Insurance

  • Protection for you and your family

  • A specialist Insurer that understands you and your symptoms

Different Protection For Hepatitis C

Critical illness Insurance offers protection for many conditions including cancer. If you have received a diagnosis and treatment for Hepatitis C. Acceptance of your Critical Illness Cover application will depend on multiple factors. This will include your overall health, whether your condition is under control. An Insurer may want a medical report to review your current treatment. If you have experienced medication complications, you may face higher premiums or may even need to take out a policy with a specialist Insurer.

Because Life Insurance Cover is an FCA regulated broker we are able to search all of the UK Life Insurance providers to find the best quotes available. By comparing all of the many different policies available will help you find the right cover and take the hassle out of the application process. Simply complete the enquiry form to get a quote. It’s quick, simple and completely free.

For more information on Hepatitis C:

British Liver Trust


Do you have an ongoing medical condition and require Life Insurance protection? At Life Insurance Cover we take the time to find you the best policy and save you money. We make the purchasing of Life Insurance as quick and simple as possible. Protect today to provide for the future and create a financial safety net for you and your family.