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Critical Illness Cover Diabetes

Critical Illness Cover for Diabetes

You may have been previously or recently diagnosed with Diabetes. Or have a family history and want to safeguard against a potential diagnosis in the future. As with many ongoing medical conditions it can be very hard to come to terms with, let alone manage the day to day treatment. Diabetes sufferers are more susceptible to a range of long term critical conditions. Which can significantly impact their ability to work. Many newly diagnosed or people with a family history of Diabetes purchase Critical Illness Cover to protect their long term financial stability.

Over the last ten years many of the Insurance providers in the UK have been improving and updating protection products. They have also increased the flexibility of protection options available for Critical Illness Cover. The positive news for the future is that whatever you’re individual medical diagnosis or a family history. A little planning for the future will help you and your family.

In today’s guide we take a look at:

Will Critical Illness Insurance Cover Diabetes?

How Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For Diabetes?

Critical Illness Cover For Type 1 Diabetes

Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For A Child With Type 1 Diabetes?

Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For Type 2 Diabetes?

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Will Critical Illness Insurance Cover Diabetes?

If you would like to get long term protection cover for a potential loss of income due to a diagnosis of Diabetes as a Critical Illness. There are several UK based providers. Who will offer cover for many conditions as part of standard Critical Illness Cover Insurance Policy. For people who have been diagnosed with Diabetes. There will be some health-related factors that will impact your ability to get cost effective Critical Illness protection, which includes:

  • If you are a smoker

  • Your current HbA1c levels

  • Lifestyle including overall health

  • Your BMI score

  • Any complications due to your Diabetes

If you have been identified as diabetic or recently diagnosed. It is likely that you will have to pay a slightly higher premium than people without Diabetes. However, there are many good options for protection cover available. By using an FCA regulated, like Life Insurance Cover who are able to search all of the providers for Critical Illness Cover. By using an Insurance Broker, you are able to search and compare all policies available to find the best cost effective cover for you.

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How Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For Diabetes?

The best way to get a Critical Illness Cover policy for diabetics in the UK is to do a complete search of all the Insurance providers to find the best premium rate and policy.  Each provider will have different policy terms and the potential amount of cover you can obtain will also vary from one provider to the next.

This is where Life Insurance Cover can help you in your search. Instead of trying to compare all of the different providers. Why not take advantage of our experienced team who can do a complete search in moments rather than days. By using our free no obligation quote and our advisors expertise. We can help you to protect yourself and loved ones. As a Life Insurance Broker, we are able to search all of the providers in the UK including specialist Insurers for you.

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Critical Illness Cover For Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes, or insulin reliant Diabetes, is covered by many different Critical Illness Cover insurers. The following providers do offer plan variations for people with type 1 Diabetes for both adults and children:


Legal & General

Scottish Widows


The Exeter

The above list is not exhaustive but a handful of the most popular Critical Illness Cover providers. It is worth noting that because each person’s application is different. There is not a guarantee any of the above providers will be the best provider for you.

Also, you may think about approaching one of them directly. Which could mean that you will only have access to their offers. Meaning you may miss out on a better policy elsewhere that could better fit your requirements.

Bearing these things in mind, the easiest way to find the right Critical Illness Cover for Diabetes is to apply through a broker who can search the whole market. At Life Insurance Cover we have access to every insurer in the market. So you can be reassured that we can find best policy for you and your loved ones.

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Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For A Child With Type 1 Diabetes?

The peak years for a child to be diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes ranges between the ages of 10 to 14 years old. Therefore you may decide to include them onto your policy prior to a diagnosis. Which will protect them in the future. By adding Diabetes Insurance cover for your child, some providers will add them at no cost. While a few may add a small additional premium. It is worth noting that some providers may advise that you are unable to add a child to your policy if you already have Diabetes diagnosis. However, with the help of a whole of market broker, they can find the protection for you and your children.

By making a free no obligation enquiry through Life Insurance Cover we can help you find the right cover for you and within your budget.

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Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes is becoming the most common diagnosis due to almost 95% of adults who are diagnosed being defined as Type 2 Diabetic. Because more people receive a Type 2 diagnosis. It can make it easier to get Critical Illness Cover when compared to Type 1 Diabetes. However, the amount of protection cover you can take out and the monthly premiums you pay will depend on your individual situation and health.

If you are looking for Type 2 diabetes Protection cover for Critical Illness. It is very important to carefully research all of the insurers. Including which providers insure against Type 2 diabetes and compare their policies. However, as mentioned above this can be very time consuming and a complex process. Another point to note is trying to avoid making mistakes on your application for protection as detailed within the guide.

Compare Critical Illness Cover With Life Insurance Cover

Any short term or longer term loss of income due to a long term condition can have many serious consequences. Especially if you have a family or a mortgage which is reliant on your income. If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes or could be at risk due to your family medical history. Comparing Critical Illness policies cover could be vital to protecting your family and the future. By using a whole of market broker, like Life Insurance Cover. Can ensure you get the best policy and monthly premium rates for your individual situation.