Life Insurance Cover

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Critical Illness Cover For Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia can be an extremely tough condition to manage on a daily basis and for the longer term. Because Fibromyalgia is a persistent condition caused by many different factors including chemical imbalances, genetics and central nervous system issues. This condition is not usually life-threatening and can usually be covered by Critical Illness Cover policy.

If you receive a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia during the length of your Critical Illness Insurance. Your protection policy will help to maintain your financial stability. Most people who are impacted by Fibromyalgia are more susceptible to a potential loss of income because they will have to take time off work.

In Today’s Guide

We take a look at some of the key points relating to Fibromyalgia and Critical Illness Insurance, including:

Will Critical Illness Insurance Cover Fibromyalgia?

How Does Critical Illness Insurance For Fibromyalgia Work?

How Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For Fibromyalgia?

Can I Get Critical Illness Cover If I Have Fibromyalgia?

Compare All Critical Illness Policies

Because the protection insurers are constantly improving and updating their products. It is always best to compare policies through an FCA regulated broker. At Life Insurance Cover, our Critical Illness Cover experts can help you find the protection policy you need.

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Will Critical Illness Insurance Cover Fibromyalgia?

A Fibromyalgia diagnosis is usually made in female adults aged 30 – 50 year old. However, this condition can be diagnosed in any person at any age. Because this condition is currently defined as a neurological condition, generally the symptoms can be quite mild. Which allows many people who are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia to continue to work either full-time or part-time by managing their symptoms and pain.

Fibromyalgia can be covered by the vast majority of Critical Illness Cover providers, which offers peace of mind and reassurance. Knowing that you are protected and you do not have to live with constant financial uncertainty will help to protect you and your family.

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How Does Critical Illness Cover Work?

When taking out a long term protection policy including Life Insurance and Critical Illness Cover. All insurers will ask you to complete a medical questionnaire. This allows them to check your medical history before they accept your application for a Critical Illness policy. This applies to all applications for a protection policies including Fibromyalgia.

An insurer will usually request further medical information from your GP to understand any ongoing medical conditions. By checking your medical history, a Critical Illness Cover insurer can create an individual protection quote for you. After you have chosen to accept a protection policy with the help of an FCA regulated Insurance Broker, like Life Insurance Cover who will have searched all of the providers. You will need to pay an ongoing monthly premium for the duration of the policy term. In exchange your insurer will provide a claim payment to you if you receive a diagnosis of a listed Critical Cover illness including Fibromyalgia.

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How Can I Get Critical Illness Cover For Fibromyalgia?

One of the many key differences between a successful claim and a claim that is declined against a Critical Illness Cover policy. Is ensuring that you have the right policy from the outset. Unfortunately some people choose to either under insure themselves or buy a policy that does not offer the right level of protection.

That is why it is very important to do thorough research of all the Critical Illness providers for Fibromyalgia. Searching all of the providers can be very time consuming. Or alternatively use a specialist Insurance broker who has the experience and knowledge to find the best policy for you and your family.

At Life Insurance Cover we compare Life Insurance and Critical Illness policies. This includes protection cover that the general public cannot purchase directly. By allowing Life Insurance Cover do the hard work for will mean that you will have the best policy available to you and within your budget.

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Can I Get Critical Illness Cover If I Have Fibromyalgia?

As detailed within our extensive guide into Impaired Life Insurance, which also applies to Critical Illness Cover. Any pre-existing medical condition can impact the monthly premium cost of a policy or your chances of being accepted. It is worth noting that a few key factors relating to an existing diagnosis of Fibromyalgia will impact on the premium price and how much protection cover you are able to purchase.

These key factors include:

  • The severity of your Fibromyalgia

  • Previously been hospitalised due to Fibromyalgia

  • The types of medication and your current treatment plan

  • The length of time since your diagnosis and how well you manage your symptoms

  • If you have any other underlying medical conditions

If you have already been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and are currently searching to find Critical Illness Cover. It is important to remember that you might be able to obtain a policy on a standard rate, which is the same amount a person without Fibromyalgia would pay. However, depending on the severity of your condition will determine if you require an impaired policy. An Impaired policy will cost slightly more than a standard one, this cost should be anticipated when searching for a policy.

You may find that obtaining the best Critical Illness Cover for Fibromyalgia can be quite hard to find. Rather than worrying about the potential policy shortfalls. It might be beneficial to use an experienced Life Insurance Broker to help you.

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Compare All Critical Illness Policies

If you are interested in taking out a new Critical Illness Cover for fibromyalgia policy. Or you already have a protection policy but want to know if it offers the best level of cover for you. Get in touch today using our simple free no obligation quote page.

All protection policies including Fibromyalgia Critical Illness Cover are often updated. Which can include cheaper premiums and better coverage. It is worth reviewing your cover every few years to make sure that it will still protect you and your loved ones.